
Our audience


Our B2B workshop with international buyers is targeted to Italian tourism professionals specialized in ancestral tourism who can offer specific service packages for roots tourists.


  • Incoming Travel Agents
  • Incoming Tour Operators
  • Groups or networks of tourism professionals
  • 5-4-3* hotels, resorts, cave hotels, historic dwellings
  • Other accommodation facilities with a specific package for roots tourism
  • Holiday Resorts /Hotel Residences.
  • Hospitality and 3rd party services
  • Mobility and transportation services (car rentals, scooters, electric bikes) and agencies specialized in experiential tourism (outdoor activities, cooking classes, workshops)
  • Agencies or companies specialised in ancillary services for Roots tourism, ie genealogy research 

Our B2B workshop with international buyers is targeted to Italian tourism professionals specialized in ancestral tourism who can offer specific service packages for roots tourists.

For 2023 ROOTS in edition we subscribed a matching software to issue a pre-scheduled meeting agenda that matches buyers' and sellers' profile requests.

You will be asked a fee to participate to our workshop, based on the number of buyers you wish to meet. Hereby available packages

GOLD >> min. 25 meetings >> 350€

SILVER >> min. 17 meetings >> 250€

BRONZE >> min. 10 meetings >> 150€


In order to let our software process data and match buyers and sellers based on common criteria,  it is important to fill in your registration form with high accuracy, i.e.

> Size and characteristics of your Company

> your field of action

> your Country of origin

> your geographical areas of interest

> your target group

Registered users may sign-in from their smartphone to view meeting schedule, buyers'profile and other useful info to make the most of ROOTS in exchange.

Per partecipare è necessario registrarsi compilando tutti i campi del seguente modulo.


Appuntamenti di 15 minuti

18 novembre 14:30-18:00
19 novembre 10:00-18:00

Quota di partecipazione: 300,00€ da versare esclusivamente con bonifico bancario all’Ente organizzatore di Roots-IN, l’Agenzia di Promozione Territoriale della Basilicata.
Dopo la conferma dell’avvenuto bonifico, e comunque a partire da Ottobre 2024, saranno inviate le credenziali di accesso ad una piattaforma B2B appositamente ideata per permettere ai Seller di creare una propria vetrina online e interagire con i buyer partecipanti.

Il software di profilazione e di matching ci permetterà di predisporre un’agenda appuntamenti con i Buyer più coerenti con il suo profilo.

L’agenda appuntamenti sarà generata dal sistema di auto-matching del software con facoltà di integrare alcuni appuntamenti direttamente con buyer di propria scelta.

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